Top Tips for Equipment Maintenance

Refrigeration and catering equipment is vital to the operation of any commercial kitchen. You spend time and money researching and purchasing the perfect unit and so understanding and implementing appropriate maintenance procedures are essential in maximising investment and making sure you get your money’s worth.

Here are our top tips for effective maintenance.

Use the owner’s manual

It’s packed full of information but many people discard it like a piece of junk mail. In commercial settings this information is vital. Not only setting out guidelines to get the best and most efficient results it will also detail the most effective maintenance actions to enhance longevity. If you happen to misplace your manuals, don’t panic. Most manufacturers will have an easily accessible downloadable version on their website. Alternatively get in touch with your supplier and they should be able to help.

Put strict daily cleaning schedules in place

Obviously deep cleaning isn’t always feasible after every busy service however basic cleaning chores can ensure improved performance and longevity. Preventing dirt, grime and food debris from building up will prolong components and reduce potential damage. Getting into the habit of routine cleaning not only benefits your equipment but also ensures health inspectors won’t uncover any nasty surprises that could get your business into trouble.

Make time for a deep clean

Even if you keep up with daily procedures your equipment will still need intensive cleaning either on a weekly, monthly or semi-annually scale depending on the type of unit. This covers all of the places that are hard to reach and are missed during daily routines.

Make regular inspections

Getting to know what’s ‘normal’ for your equipment will act as a marker for the future. Regular inspections will highlight any changes in performance or efficiency and may give an early signal of potential problems before they become a major (and costly) issue. During daily maintenance check any moving parts, connections and seals or hinges etc. that may succumb to wear and tear or leaks.

Replace problem parts straight away

No matter how much you pay for your equipment, when being used it will eventually wear out and need replacing. If a part is showing signs of wear and tear contact your supplier or call out an engineer depending on your warranty cover and get replacements, before you find yourself dealing with a major issue.

Follow correct procedures

Depending on the equipment you may at some point need to use chemicals or take care of stainless steel. It is vital to understand the approved methods for each scenario to prevent any unnecessary problems.

Educate staff

While a select few employees may understand the ins and outs of equipment it is essential to pass this knowledge on to others who will come into contact with the units. Misuse is one of the leading causes of any problems and unfortunately these mishaps are generally not covered under warranty. Detail to all staff how to appropriately use, clean and maintain equipment to prevent any unnecessary issues.

When purchasing refrigeration and catering equipment it is essential to understand the most appropriate methods for maintenance to guarantee optimum performance, premium efficiency and ultimate longevity.