Monthly Archives: October 2015

  1. Basic Commercial Refrigerator Maintenance

    Basic Commercial Refrigerator Maintenance

    Commercial refrigeration is central to the operation of any professional kitchen and when this fails it can wreak havoc. Let’s face it, refrigeration is an expensive piece of kit therefore prolonging lifespan and avoiding costly breakdowns is essential to getting your money’s worth.

    While manufacture is robust and reliable you still need to carry out routine maintenance to achieve ongoing excellence. Prevention of potential breakdowns is easier and a lot cheaper than dealing with problems after they arise.

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  2. Frozen Doesn’t Have to Mean Reduced Freshness

    Frozen Doesn’t Have to Mean Reduced Freshness

    When people go out to eat, they are increasingly looking for freshly made dishes using produce in the best condition. Very often if diners catch even a whiff of frozen ingredients being used they are automatically deterred. Professional kitchens have found the perfect ratio between fresh and frozen to guarantee the best results every time.

    The common misconception is that frozen foods mean reduced quality and inferior levels of freshness when in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth. Chefs now understand that frozen food can often be fresher than the same items bought from a market.

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