5 Tips for Keeping Refrigerated Ingredients Fresher for Longer

Refrigeration may be the ideal solution for preserving ingredients however failing to do so correctly can cause the growth of bacteria. There are many refrigeration storage tips but here are just 5 that are not commonly known but could save you money and reduce your food waste.

  1. Any fruit and vegetables which are prone to drying out should be stored in unsealed or perforated plastic bags allowing a good circulation of air to the ingredients whilst maintaining a moist environment.
  2. Put residual coriander leaves in an air tight container and refrigerate them to keep them fresher for longer.
  3. If planning to refrigerate whole chillies, remove the stem beforehand. You may also want to consider making a chilli paste so that storage time is increased.
  4. Keep each type of fruit and vegetable stored separately e.g. apples with apples, peppers with peppers and carrots with carrots etc. Fresh produce gives off different gases which can react with other ingredients causing them to deteriorate.
  5. To keep fish fresher for longer, clean it, add a little turmeric and a sprinkling of salt before wrapping and storing in the freezer.

When refrigeration first came about it was a real step forward for not only civilisation but also the culinary world. People could keep ingredients for longer and therefore prepare food that consisted of more than what was picked that day. As people’s diet widened and didn’t revolve around the seasons anymore, people began to realise the major significance of this new area and refrigeration technology began to evolve. At first it may have simply been a case of, throw perishables in and if they were in an acceptable condition when they were needed then they would be used. Now as people understand the scientific processes of storing food there are increasingly more tips and tricks to increase the shelf life of many ingredients.

Investigate some for yourself to make sure that you are preserving your produce to their full potential.