Remember When Ice was just Frozen Water?

Perfect for keeping drinks cold and even as a refreshing bed for fish and other ingredients, ice used to just be a simple case of freezing water…not anymore!

With a new level of creativity creeping into every aspect of society, everything, even seemingly in the most mundane areas, is enjoying a new lease of life with an added innovative twist. Here are a few interesting ice trends that seem to be stepping up in popularity.

Over-sized ice cubes

Although standard ice cubes do the job they’re designed for it seems a single over-sized ice cube in a drink could be becoming the new normal. Whether investing in a specialised ice maker or buying in a large block to be cut down in house, these super cubes can keep a drink chilled for longer thanks to the change in surface area and density leading to slower melting times.

Flavoured ice cubes

Introducing depth of flavour and aroma to a drink these frozen squares of chilliness are easy to make. With a single freeze you can introduce hints of mint, lemon or lime etc. while if you want to get more professional, try using multiple freezes to achieve a layered effect. The result is a slow release of different flavours throughout each stage of the drink.

Crystal clarity

Generally ice cubes will naturally take on a cloudy white appearance when a water filter isn’t used, which while not dangerous, can give the impression of dirty or contaminated water. To obtain crystal clear clarity you could try changing your ice makers water filter regularly; alternatively you could experiment with making your own ice. Slow freezing a large block of ice in a mould can eliminate pesky air bubbles although you will have to cut the ice yourself. If you’re really serious about perfection there are gourmet ice machines on the market which create the crème de la crème of the ice world.

Advancements in the world of ice machines mean that what once was seen as a nuisance product of cold winter days has now become big business and worthy of its own trends.