Monthly Archives: April 2014

  1. Know How to Store Your Wine Correctly

    Know How to Store Your Wine Correctly

    Any bar worker understands that whatever beverage you are referring to you must store it properly in order to maintain the quality, taste and freshness. This means that the product is ready to serve to the customer in the premium condition and you can be sure that there will be no complaints. During basic bar training you should be made aware of the temperatures and conditions in which alcoholic beverages should be stored, for example, lagers should be kept in a chilled environment, red wines should be served at room temperature and white wines served chilled however with regards to wine, you may not be taught how to store the bottles in your wine cellar or other designated storage area.

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  2. Top 10 Tips to Operate a Successful Restaurant

    Top 10 Tips to Operate a Successful Restaurant

    There are a number of things that can go wrong within a restaurant. Once there is a breakdown in one or more areas, the whole business could soon be at risk of collapse if these matters are not rectified. Here are our top 10 tips for working towards operating a successful restaurant.

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