Maintaining Ice Machines

Maintaining Ice Machines

Ice machines are an often neglected and forgotten about piece of equipment but their job is just as important as food and drink refrigeration. Failure to keep your ice machine hygienic and in full working order can result in your customers being served something that may well have a negative effect on their health. This potential danger is often overlooked and essential maintenance is by-passed.

All ice machines are capable of producing a build-up of slime; a substance that is developed from certain types of yeast. If this is found you should always refer to your user manual and consult an engineer as to the origins of this unwanted formation. Regular cleaning of your commercial ice machine will ensure ice production is of a uniform size and shape and will also prevent any unpleasant odours.

The Cleaning Process

  1. Ice should be removed from the machine and disposed of.
  2. The ice compartment should be scrubbed using a taint-free sanitizer, a vinegar and water solution or bicarbonate of soda.
  3. The machine should be thoroughly rinsed.
  4. Check door seals for any dirt or scum.
  5. Repeat fortnightly to reduce bacteria build-up.


  • Always ensure that the power supply to the ice machine is switched off before commencing a deep clean of the equipment.

Maintenance Tips

  • Keep condenser coils clean. Dirty coils will increase the machine’s temperature meaning that production is reduced. Your machine will need to work harder to perform and overall efficiency will be compromised and decreased. The extra stress on mechanical components may lead to a higher risk of future breakdowns.
  • Replace water filters approximately every six months, increasing the efficiency of production from your machine.
  • Maintenance of commercial ice machines is of paramount importance in catering establishments therefore hiring a fully qualified engineer to regularly keep a check on equipment will ensure minimum problems in the future.

Safety Tips

  • Always ensure that your ice machine is connected to a direct fresh water supply as opposed to a storage tank. The water should be of a drinking standard.
  • Position your ice machine in an area free from dirt and dust, preferably raised off the ground. Keep ice machines separate from other heat sources and ensure there is adequate airflow around the unit.
  • Always use a specially designed ice scoop to fill ice buckets. This should not be left in the machine when not in use, but should be placed in a sanitising solution in a separate container ready for future use.
  • Never leave the door of the ice machine open. This increases efficiency and also prevents any bacteria from entering the unit.
  • Never use your ice machine as a storage container for any foodstuff or drinks.

Ice machines are regularly taken for granted but if frequent preventative maintenance steps are taken you can prolong the life span of your equipment and save you money.

Benefits of Regular Maintenance

  • Reduces power consumption. It’s easy to be ‘green’ with a little preventative care.
  • Extended life of equipment especially critical components such as the compressor, capillary tube and condenser fan motor.
  • Avoids costly emergency servicing callouts caused by lack of maintenance.
  • Properly maintained line coolers won’t cause system oil and capillary tube breakdown and/or compressor failure.
  • Avoids mould growth and contaminated ‘spotted’ ice. To combat this, ice machines should be dismantled and cleaned thoroughly at least twice per year.
  • Properly maintained door seals will reduce power consumption and will extend the life of equipment.