Using Multideck Display Fridges to Optimise Chilled Display in Shops

Retail establishments that sell perishable goods face the constant challenge of displaying their merchandise in a way that is not only efficient but also appealing to customers. This is where the role of multideck display fridges becomes crucial. These multidecks, with their open-front design and tiered shelving, provide an ideal solution for showcasing a wide array of products while maintaining them at the perfect temperature.

What Are Open Front Multideck Display Fridges Used For?

An open-front multideck display fridge is an essential piece of equipment for retail environments. It optimises the display of chilled products that are typically packaged such as drinks, milk, sandwiches and salads. The open front design offers customers an unobstructed view and easy access, while the tiered shelves maximise space efficiency. This setup not only enhances product visibility but also promotes better organisation, leading to increased impulse purchases and grab and go sales opportunities.

Benefits of Open Front Chillers for Shops

The advantages of open front chillers are numerous. 

  • Their larger size compared to conventional fridges means they can display more products in a smaller footprint. The tiered design maximises display in shops with limited space.
  • The open front design allows customers to easily view and access products, encouraging impulse purchases.
  • Multideck fridges cater to various product sizes and types, thanks to adjustable shelving and multiple temperature zones.
  • Open front chillers come in various sizes and finishes, making them suitable for any store design. A well-organised multideck can enhance the overall shopping experience.

How Does a Multideck Display Fridge Work?

These fridges work by establishing a continuous flow of cold air across all levels of the unit. This sophisticated circulation system ensures that each product, whether placed on the top shelf or at the bottom, is kept at the optimal temperature for freshness and safety.

At the heart of a multideck chiller's operation is its advanced cooling technology. Unlike conventional refrigeration units, multideck fridges employ a more dynamic airflow pattern due to the open front. This pattern is designed to cover the entire display area uniformly. The cold air blankets all products, from beverages and dairy to prepared meals and fresh produce, maintaining a consistent temperature that is crucial for preserving the quality and extending the shelf life of perishable goods.

While the most common design feature of multideck fridges is undoubtedly the open shelves that gives the customer easy access, this brings a new set of challenges in terms of chilling contents. Modern equipment incorporates designs to direct and minimise the loss of cold air. The strategic placement of vents and the use of cold air curtains help in creating a barrier that keeps the cold air inside, thus balancing customer accessibility with energy efficiency.

While older models were historically much less energy efficient than standard glass door display fridges, due to more rudimentary technology, lesser quality materials and reduced insulation, multi deck fridges on the market today offer much better levels of energy efficiency.

What Temperature Should an Open Front Display Fridge Be?

The ideal temperature range for an open front display fridge is between 0°C to 5°C. This range is critical to comply with food safety standards and prevent spoilage. However, it's essential to consider the type of products being stored. For instance, dairy products require colder temperatures compared to fruits and vegetables. Environmental factors, such as proximity to heat sources or direct sunlight, can also affect the internal temperature of the fridge.

Expanding Beyond the Basics

In addition to the standard features, many multideck chillers come with customisable options to fit the specific aesthetic and size requirements of different retail establishments; all of which need to be considered when buying the perfect open display fridge. Sizes can range significantly, from compact units with integral refrigeration systems ideal for small shops to larger models and remote banks of equipment that are typically seen in supermarkets.

Multideck display fridges, with their open front design and efficient cooling, are indispensable for retail establishments looking to optimise their chilled display. Not only do they enhance product visibility and accessibility, but they also play a vital role in maintaining product freshness and adhering to food safety standards. With a variety of sizes and customisable options available, multideck chillers offer the must-have, flexible and effective solution for any retail space.