The Importance of Atmosphere in your Convenience Store

Convenience stores are an ever present force in our local communities and have proven their ‘convenience’ on many occasions whether that’s by supplying emergency milk or bread or by selling us a bottle of wine after a horrendous day. This market is a highly competitive one meaning that each store needs to find ways to allow them to stand out from the others and thus take a large portion of the custom available.

The typical methods of product variety, clean, organised layouts, value for money and low price guarantees have, in the past, proven to attract customers however now that these aspects are expected as the norm, convenience stores must find new elements that will differentiate them from the crowd. Recent research has been carried out which shows the aspects which now make a difference to customers and has influence as to where they choose to spend their money on basic essentials. Convenience stores now have to concentrate efforts on improving the environment of their shops and enhancing the experience that their customers receive in order to attract and keep new shoppers. Some people might consider a shopping trip to not exactly have experience value, after all you simply enter the shop, pick up your goods and pay for them at the till; what other experience is there?

The new research suggests that customers now concentrate their attentions on appealing displays, both ambient and refrigerated multidecks, cleanliness, accurate signs, lighting, air conditioning and the engaging and caring qualities of the staff. Stores which incorporate all of these features generally have more satisfied customers according to those who were surveyed. The majority of shoppers questioned stated that the main things which encouraged them to return to a store were actually aspects which are not tangible, such as speed of service, the friendliness of staff and the ease of shopping closely followed by the range available and the quality of fresh produce. The idea of ‘ease of shopping’ is a vague one and so demanded closer analysis. These results showed that clear signs, attractive displays, free samples, upselling and product knowledge from staff and improved lighting all contribute to an improved and more pleasurable shopping experience.

The organisational aspect of your convenience store can be planned and prepared for in much the same way as clear and informative signs, appropriate lighting, cleanliness and available choice however one area which will require the cooperation of your staff is their knowledge of products and positive interaction with customers. In times gone by, convenience store staff would simply either stock shelves or stand behind a till, only muttering the cost to pay; this is not acceptable anymore and increased effort must be put in if you hope to see your customer base and profits increase. The idea of simply hiring staff that can push buttons on a till is a concept of the past and now more time, training and effort must be put in by the owners and managers. Product knowledge and a thorough understanding of the store layout is a necessity along with friendliness and a genuine caring and sociable nature. The staff of the new and improved convenience stores should take time to get to know their regular customers and make them feel welcome once they enter; a concept which isn’t viable in large super and mega stores. This not only makes sure that the customers feel valued and thus reinforces their desire to continue shopping in your store but also strengthens the sense of community which is in some areas being overlooked or completely lost.

As convenience stores are the hub of local areas and a constant in the majority of the population’s lives, continually evolving and developing ways in which to improve methods is vital to make sure that the larger supermarket chains do not become the more popular choice, even when just a few basic items are needed. Your convenience store may have the perfect layout, a good range of products, quality fresh produce, perfect lighting, clear signing and high standards of cleanliness however to keep up with growing demands it is vital that you implement something which has proven to be close to your customers hearts; warmth, friendliness, knowledgeable and caring staff, an altogether more comfortable atmosphere.