Frozen Doesn’t Have to Mean Reduced Freshness

When people go out to eat, they are increasingly looking for freshly made dishes using produce in the best condition. Very often if diners catch even a whiff of frozen ingredients being used they are automatically deterred. Professional kitchens have found the perfect ratio between fresh and frozen to guarantee the best results every time.

The common misconception is that frozen foods mean reduced quality and inferior levels of freshness when in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth. Chefs now understand that frozen food can often be fresher than the same items bought from a market.

Foods are typically frozen within a few hours of being picked leading to quality being effectively sealed within when the ingredients are at their freshest, resulting in no loss of nutrients, vitamins and minerals when prepared and cooked correctly. As freezing is a natural process there is usually no need for any use of preservatives ensuring that the healthiest option isn’t always the chilled, fresh one.

In domestic environments people often look towards frozen produce to enable meals to be cooked quickly. Although generally people want to prepare and cook fresh ingredients, busy lifestyles dictate that this isn’t always a viable option. The lack of time will typically lead to the use of frozen ingredients being used without any detrimental effect to the final outcome. Frozen alternatives give premium freshness and high quality and so offer the perfect solution to those pressed for time.

The industry is trying to change public perceptions towards the use of frozen foods in commercial businesses by increasing the awareness of the benefits granted by freezing. Hopefully this endeavour will make people realise that freezing foods is not just acceptable in the domestic environment but also for restaurants and caterers.

So what benefits are there for chefs choosing to use frozen foods?

  • The increase in casual dining customers has led to restaurants needing to offer a wider menu choice in order to satisfy demand. Rather than buy stock inventory for all dishes and be left with waste at the end of the day, frozen items can be safely stored without hindering quality and freshness, decreasing waste whilst optimising choice.
  • The variety of ingredients available means that menus don’t have to be designed around the seasons. Fresh products will only be available at certain times of the year leading to numerous menu changes which can prove costly. Frozen produce ensures that required ingredients are to hand all year round.
  • Frozen produce is often cheaper to purchase and less time consuming to prepare. On average making a dish from scratch will cost around 30% more than buying a frozen equivalent even though the results are pretty much identical (source British Frozen Food Federation).
  • Portion control is vital in restaurants and catering businesses to ensure that a profit is made. Separating individual portion sizes is easier when using a freezing method with consistency and control being guaranteed.
  • Eradicating the need to prepare and cook in bulk by using portion control reduces the amount of waste incurred and can make a massive difference to profit.
  • Frozen foods ensure that guests receive the same quality dishes time and time again maximising the chances of return custom. If people know what they are getting and standards are constant they are more likely to make your business a favourite.
  • There is generally a reduced risk of spoiling and food contamination when employing effective freezing methods. Pre-cooked items which are then frozen can ward off unwanted bacteria when done so efficiently and in accordance with recommendations and guidelines. Obviously freezing is only one aspect; the reheating process must also be carried out as specified by the Food Standards Agency.

The numerous benefits have resulted in approximately 95% of chefs and caterers stocking and using some form of frozen food (source British Frozen Food Federation) shaking off the stigma that frozen ingredients in some way compromises the quality of the end result.

Commercial freezing methods are far better than the domestic freezing process that most people are accustomed to. Speed freezing using commercial grade blast chillers is essential for food to pass through the food danger zone as quickly as possible. Before use all food should be defrosted 24 hours in advance in a refrigerator to regulate the environment in which defrosting occurs, preventing temperature abuse and minimising any loss of quality. Certain foods freeze better than others however all products must be reheated correctly to achieve maximum results and the safest outcome.

The market for frozen foods continues to grow and expand showing that attitudes towards frozen ingredients continue to be positive. With a new perspective it may even become fully accepted by the masses for use in commercial food businesses.